Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Upper School Drama Teacher and Director, North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, Il

Grades: 9-12, with possible addition of one Middle School class.

Min. --Bachelors Degree in Theatre; significant school teaching experience and/or significant experience directing school theatre productions.

Drama Director will teach classes in Upper School (and possibly Middle School), and direct four Upper School productions each year. Position will also participate in all aspects of the Upper School­via Academic Advisory, Homeroom activities, etc. Musical and non-musical plays; small and large casts.

Candidate should demonstrate strong skills in teaching acting and theatre--in elective and introductory classes, and should have a broad vocabulary of Theatre­plays and musicals. Candidate should have great organizational skills and demonstrate an ability to participate in a well-established program, develop curriculum for existing classes, write curriculum for new classes, and demonstrate initiative to lead a comprehensive Theatre program.

Contact: Tom Doar, Head of North Shore Country Day School at